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Thursday, June 17, 2021

Today's Reading: Numbers 23


Key Verse Numbers 23:19

God Is Not A Liar

Balaam, the diviner from Pethor, finally speaks out.  But his words are like nothing he's ever spoken before.  This time, the LORD put the words in his mouth.  

Something inside of him wanted to speak the words he had agreed to.  His arrangement...

with king Balak was that he would speak a curse upon the people of Israel.  He would be handsomely rewarded for his service.  And, oh how Balaam wanted that reward.  But when the time came, he could not bring a curse on Israel.  He dare not.  No, after his encounter with the Angel of the Lord, he was compelled to speak only what God told him to speak.  So, the words came out.  Words of blessing, not cursing.

King Balak, quite disturbed by Balaam's words, demanded an explanation.  So Balaam replied and told him that God is not a liar.  The LORD can only speak truth.  And, He will make good on every word He speaks. He is referring to an attribute of God known as "veracity."  The veracity of God means his truth-telling.  It means that God is incapable of un-truth. The New Testament confirms this attribute of God in Titus 1:2, "in hope of eternal life, which God, who never lies, promised before the ages began" and Hebrews 6:18, "in which it is impossible for God to lie."

God is not a liar!  As a follower of Christ, you should take this to heart.  He has promised you: He is your strength, He will never leave you; He has plans to prosper you; He hears your prayers; He will fight for you; He will give you peace; He will always love you; He will come again one day to receive you to Himself.  

I pray that you get this... Every word He has spoken to YOU is truth.  Will He not do it?  Will He not fulfill it?  Stand on this attribute of God.  Lean into it.  He is not a man, that He should lie!

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