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Friday, June 18, 2021

Today's Reading: Numbers 24 & 25


Key Verse Numbers 24:17

A Star Shall Arise from Jacob

In Balaam’s final prophecy, he announced that a STAR would come out of Jacob and a SCEPTER out of Israel.  He is predicting that a great king is coming who will crush all of His enemies.  What an amazing prophecy!  This diviner from Pethor is given...

a word directly from the Lord.  And it's all about Jesus, the Messiah who will come to bring God's kingdom.

This final oracle (given some 3,300 years ago) spans the entire sweep of human history. Nation after nation will rise to world domination and then fall to defeat. But when the Messianic King arrives on the scene, no people other than God's people (those set apart by Him) will survive the final day of destruction. At the end of all things, when all of human history has played out its course of changing fortunes, the Lord’s people will be the only ones left standing.

What that means, then, is that these predictions for Israel are precious promises for us.  

I see Him, but now now...  He's out there, but not just yet. Be patient, He will come.

I behold Him, but not near... His appearing a still ways off.  It is now nearer than it has ever been.

A STAR shall come out of Jacob... Jacob is, of course, a reference to Israel.  The Messiah will come through the nation of Israel. The "STAR" is Jesus.  He said so in Revelation 22:16,  "I am  the root and  the descendant of David, the bright morning star.”  

A SCEPTER shall arise out of Israel... The scepter was the baton which was held by a king as a symbol of his authority and rulership of the kingdom.  When the STAR comes - the true King of Kings - he will come with power and authority and will establish His eternal kingdom.

When Jesus returns to this earth, it will be as a warrior riding out for the final battle in which he will crush all of his enemies (Revelation 19:11). If we want to spend eternity under God’s blessing as part of his people, today is the day to enter into his favor. Come to Christ now and submit your life to his Lordship. Ask for his forgiveness to cover your sins; receive his righteousness by grace. The door is open today for everyone who will come in and bow the knee willingly to the Lord to receive his blessing. So come, enter into his people. As you do so, you will receive his blessing, find peace in the midst of a tumultuous world, and be able look forward with joy to the day when his final victory will be accomplished.

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