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Saturday, June 19, 2021

Today's Reading: Numbers 26:1-34


Key Verse Numbers 26:3-4

God is Filled with Unfailing Love

In today’s passage, God instructs Moses to take a census of the people for the second time.  Moses’ obedience to God is demonstrated by delegating this task to the priests and leaders of Israel.

There are a lot of weird happenings along the Israelites’ journey—including that episode with the talking...

 donkey. But the main focus of the book is Israel’s repeated rebellion and God’s repeated mercy and discipline on his people.

The Israelites rebel against God (and Moses) several times in the book of Numbers. They complain about food. They complain about water. They complain that they’ll be crushed by their enemies. They even complain about Moses. 

But even though the people prove to be rebellious, God repeatedly extends mercy to them. He continues His provision and protection just as He promised. He continues to provide manna, that mysterious bread from heaven. He continues to guide and protect them on their treacherous journey through the middle-east wilderness.  They don’t deserve his mercy, but He extends it anyway.  That’s just the way He is.

Are you a complainer?  Have you ever whined about your circumstances?  At times, do you find yourself being rebellious just like the children of Israel?  Complaining about life.  Complaining about relationships.  Complaining about politics (and politicians). Complaining about finances.  Complaining about pain.

We, like Israel, can be a stubborn and rebellious people.  But, just like Israel, God doesn’t give up on us.  He shows His mercy.  His grace.  His forgiveness.  And, yes, He continues His provision and protection just as He promised, despite our rebellion and complaining.  Why?  Because “The Lord is compassionate and merciful, slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love.  (Psalm 103:8)

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