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Monday, June 21, 2021

Today's Reading: Numbers 27


Key Verse - Numbers 27:18

Qualified for Ministry

A major preparation for entering Canaan was the appointment of a new leader to take Moses’s place.  Here, the Lord reveals to Moses and to the people the identity of that leader.  He announces the name of the man who has been called to lead the Israelites for the remainder of their journey to...

the promised land, Joshua the son of Nun. 

But, why did God choose Joshua? Was it his handsomeness?  Or his oratory skills?  Or his ability to persuade people?  No, God chose Joshua for the same reason He chooses anyone – the presence of the Holy Spirit.  The prerequisite to holding office in God’s administration is God’s Spirit in a person’s life.

Joshua was a man “in whom” was the Spirit of God.  Because of this, he was capable of leading the people.  Anyone who is not filled with the Holy Spirit is not qualified to lead God’s people.  But anyone (including you) in whom is the Spirt is capable of great exploits as God’s instrument.

Do you realize that you, too, are qualified to perform the ministry God has called you to?  If the Holy Spirit dwells within you, then you have everything you need to follow God’s choosing.  God chose and anointed Joshua for the task of leading Israel to the Promised Land. What has he chosen you to do?  "

"Do you not know that you are a temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?"  (1 Corinthians 3:16)

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