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Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Today's Reading: Numbers 29


Key Verse - Numbers 29:40

Moses - Man of Fidelity

The importance of Moses to all of Israelite history cannot be overstated. He was the faithful messenger of God, the instrument through which the Law was given.  His role was both extremely difficult and profoundly simple.  Take the words that God...

speaks and pass them on to the people.  With faithfulness.  With fidelity.  With passion.  And with purpose.

Moses was a faithful messenger.  He took his role very seriously and conscientiously.  He wouldn’t let anything deter him from the faithful execution of his duties as God’s messenger.  He was a faithful shepherd, watching over and caring for God’s flock.

Moses spoke “just as” the Lord spoke to him.  This phrase “just as” is a reference to the fidelity of Moses.  Fidelity is a word that means to “remain true to the original; the degree of exactness with which something is copied or reproduced.”  Moses’ words were always spoken with fidelity.  He was firm in his practice of taking the words God had spoken to him and exactly reproducing those words for the people.  Without adding to God’s words.  Without subtracting from God’s words.  Without “paraphrasing” God’s words. 

Tragically, today there are many so-called “shepherds” of God’s people who don’t take their duties seriously to remain faithful to God’s word.  They take “literary license” to edit God’s pure words, adding and subtracting from their true original meaning so they can “tell the people what they want to hear.”  Sadly, because of their position of leadership, many people perceive their “altered” message to be truth.  They are kept from hearing the words that God had actually spoken.

 But not Moses.  Moses told the people of Israel everything just as the Lord had commanded told him.  He spoke with clarity and fidelity.  Passionate about representing the Lord just as He intended. How about you?  Are you called to shepherd God’s flock?  If so, take a moment to realize the great importance of speaking God’s words with faithfulness and fidelity.  Speak “just as” God has spoken.

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