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Saturday, June 26, 2021

Today's Reading: Numbers 31:25-54


Key Verse - Numbers 31:54

Remembering God's Victories

Following their great victory over the Midianites (in which no Israelite lives were lost) the people come together for a memorial of thanksgiving to God.  So thankful for God’s protection, the people freely and generously offered up a portion of the goods seized in...

battle.  Their offering of gold silver, and jewels was carefully placed in the Tabernacle treasury.  God was honored by their humility, selflessness, and thankfulness.

Ultimately, the divine purpose for this offering was not because God needed anything.  No, this offering was “as a memorial for the sons of Israel.”  It was to serve as a reminder that God was on their side.  It was a reminder of their own personal experience, as well as a reminder to future generations that the battle belongs to the Lord.  When following the Lord becomes tough, they needed to remember that Divine providence and protection were always with them.

We, too, need to remember that God is for us.  When life gets tough (and it will) it is easy to lose sight of God.  We can get so overwhelmed by the cares of this life and the trials it brings that we tend to forget that the battle belongs to the Lord.  So, when things go right in your life – when the Lord’s blessings are prominent – remember to honor God by your humility, selflessness, and thankfulness.  And don’t forget to mark the victories with “memorials” of your own.  Then, when life gets hard, you can always look back to those moments of victory and remember that Divine providence and protection are always with you – even in the tough times.

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