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Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Today's Reading: Numbers 34


Key Verse - Numbers 34:1-2

Boundaries of the Land

In today’s passage, the LORD speaks to Moses and gives him specific instructions for marking off the boundaries of Israel when they move into the Promised Land.  God promised that He...

would give the land of Israel to the Jewish people as an eternal possession. The promise was unconditional. God confirmed it at least 55 times with an oath and stated at least 12 times that the covenant was everlasting.

Notice the words in verse 1, “The LORD spoke to Moses.”  The boundaries of the Land were not Moses’ idea.  Nor were they Abraham’s, or Isaac’s, or Jacob’s.  The boundaries of the Land were God’s idea.  His sovereign idea.  As the Creator of the Land, He had the right to give it to whoever He chooses.  And He chose to give it to the people of Israel.  This is the only deed of ownership that really matters. It was theirs then, and it is still theirs today.

The Bible teaches that the Jewish people cannot fully enjoy the Land of Israel until they turn to the Messiah Jesus, and until Jesus returns as King to rule on His rightful throne in Jerusalem! At that time, the promises of God will be gloriously fulfilled!

This is the land that God promised to Abraham and this is the land that now belonged to these people. It was theirs; God had given it to them. There was only one thing, they had to go in and take it; they had to go in and possess it, even as God has given to you so many rich and precious promises.  They are yours.  And all you have to do is step in and claim them. Just go in and take that which God has promised to you by faith.

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