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Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Today's Reading: Deuteronomy 13 & 14


Key Verse - Deuteronomy 14:22

The Mystery of Tithing

A funny thing happens when you start talking about money to another Christian. Most people start to get uncomfortable. Money – and in particular tithing – is one of those things that most people...

just don’t want to talk about. Somehow most folks feel like talking about money is unspiritual and worldly.

Tithing is often a very misunderstood spiritual concept. You can find Christian teaching that’s all over the map when it comes to the tithe. Some people say that tithing is just an Old Testament principle that doesn’t apply to us today in the New Covenant. On the other extreme there are people that say God punishes people today who don’t tithe. I’ve actually heard of sermons where preachers said things like, “If you don’t tithe God will take it from you in doctor's bills and car repairs.”

When we talk about “tithing” and the “tithe” we’re using terms that are not common today. Because it’s not a common word, some folks can be uncertain what is meant by tithing.  Simply put the word tithe means the tenth part. Another way to say it is that the tithe is ten percent.  God calls on His children to set aside a tenth part of “all the yield of your seed” and offer it to Him.  For most of us today this means to set aside one tenth of all the income we receive.

But, why should you tithe?  Moses goes on in verse 23 of this chapter to state that that the purpose of tithing is to teach you to fear God and always to put God first in your lives. God doesn't need your money, but he wants what it represents — your heart. He wants you to trust him and place your full dependence upon Him.  It is one of those “Kingdom mysteries,” that we may not fully comprehend, but to be sure there is something spiritually significant about giving God your first and best, rather than the leftovers.

It is not always easy to give the “tenth part” of your income, but it is always beneficial.  Even when it hurts, God promises to bless those who submit themselves to His Lordship and humbly offer Him a small portion (10%) of what He has blessed them with.  Tithing is a reminder that God is the Supplier of everything we have.  It is also God's personal invitation to an outpouring of His blessing in your life.

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