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Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Today's Reading: Deuteronomy 28:36-68


Key Verse - Deuteronomy 28:37

Bewildered Nations

In contrast to the enormous blessings for obedience which Moses laid out in the first half of this chapter, here he lays out the consequences for disobedience.  Obedience, he told them, would culminate in...

blessings.  Disobedience will conclude with consequences and cursings.

Obey, and be blessed in your cities - disobey and you will be cursed in your cities.  Obey and your children will be blessed - disobey and the fruit of your body will be cursed.  Obey and your crops and herds will be plentiful – disobey and your crops and herds will diminish.  Obey and your enemies will be defeated – disobey and you will be defeated. 

One of the consequences of their obedience will be reflected in their reputation and respect among the other nations of the world.  In verse 10, Moses tells them that their obedience will result in “all the peoples of the earth shall see that you are called by the name of the LORD, and they shall be afraid of you.”  Today, we might refer to this as “peace through strength.”  The other nations would be foolish and reckless to attack a nation with the visible strength of God shining upon them. In reality, this is “peace through obedience.”  No nation would dare come against the hand of God.

On the other hand, one of the consequences of their disobedience will be reflected in their disrepute and disrespect among the other nations of the world. The people around them will look and see a nation in disorder and weakness.  Moses tells them they will become “an object of horror, ridicule, and mockery” among those nations.  The word “horror” could be translated “astonishment” or “bewilderment.”  The people of the earth will be bewildered by Israel’s folly.  They will look and shake their head at the senseless failure of a nation which had – at one time – been the most blessed people of the world.  They will ridicule.  They will mock.  They will shake their head and say, “Fools!  You had everything and you let it slip out of your hands.”

Any nation which devotes itself to honoring and fearing the God of the Bible will be blessed with prosperity and success.  But if that nation ever turns its back on the LORD and begins down a path of disobedience and rebellion to God’s ways, it will become an object of astonishment, ridicule, and mockery among the other nations of the world.  If our nation completes its downward slide away from God’s commands we, too will be mocked and it will be said of us, “Fools!  You had everything and you let it slip out of your hands.”  I pray it is not so. And I exhort you to pray the same.

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