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Sunday, July 4, 2021

Today's Reading: Deuteronomy 3


Key Verse - Deuteronomy 3:28

The Person God Chooses

Moses has been a faithful leader of the Israelites for four decades.  But now it is time to pass on the leadership role to a new person. It is time to choose someone who could take them the rest of the way into the Land God...

had promised them.  So, the LORD chooses Joshua, the son of Nun.  Why did God choose Joshua to be Moses’ successor and to lead Israel?  Because he was a person uniquely qualified to do so.

God chose Joshua because Joshua he had an intimate, personal relationship with Himself. In Exodus, we read that Joshua stayed behind in the Tent of Meeting.  In fact, not only did Joshua stay in the Tent, but Scripture says he “would not depart” from it (Exodus 33:11). Joshua was simply spending time in God’s presence to know Him better because the beauty and majesty of God was so compelling that this young leader couldn’t resist soaking and worshiping the One who had obviously captivated his heart.

God chose Joshua because of his humble submissiveness, faithfulness and obedience.  Several times in Scripture we read, “So Joshua did as Moses said to him.”  God always chooses the person who is faithful in the day of small things. Someone willing to submit to the lead of others and do so with faithfulness.

God chose Joshua because of his faith.  He was willing to stand up for his convictions as was demonstrated in his positive report after spying out the land – “If the LORD delights in us, then He will bring us into this land and give it to us” (Numbers 14:8).  This was not a time for wishy-washy faith.  God chose a man with deeply rooted faith.

God chose Joshua because of he was an experienced military man.  Israel was about to face some of their harshest battles yet and they needed a man with the know-how to protect the people and defeat the enemy.  The LORD had been preparing Joshua for this his entire life.  Now he was ready.  Long before God calls men and women into ministry, He prepares them to take on that ministry.

God chose Joshua because of his reputation with the people. They knew him.  They had seen him in action.  They had come to trust him.  The people were ready to follow his leadership.

Anyone called to serve the LORD should have the same qualifications as Joshua: a personal relationship with God; faithfulness to serve others; strong, obedient faith; experience and know-how; and the respect of God’s people.  A person like this will not – cannot – fail.

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