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Thursday, July 29, 2021

Today's Reading - Deuteronomy 31

Key Verse - Deuteronomy 31:8

The LORD our Trailblazer

Knowing he had only a few more days to live, Moses hands over the leadership of Israel to his divinely appointed successor, Joshua. He reminds both Joshua and the people that fearless commitment to the task ahead, combined with total trust in...

God, would guarantee victory and possession of the Promised Land.

It is important to note that Moses represents the Law.  As the one who is representing the law he could only bring them to the edge of the Promised Land. He could not take them in. It is the same for you and me.   Neither laws, nor rules, nor religion can take you and I into the full blessings of God. Grace must do that. The law could only bring them to the border of the land. Now it's up to Joshua to take them in. And so, it's typical of our lives: the law cannot bring you into that glorious rich life in the Spirit. At best, it can only bring you to the edge of it, but by grace and faith we must enter in.

The glorious news is that the LORD is our Divine Trailblazer - the LORD is going to go before you. The dictionary defines “trailblazer” as someone who leads the way for others to follow through unsettled country or wilderness; a pathfinder.  A trailblazer recognizes the safest and most efficient path to take to get to the destination.  He looks out for hazards and potential “dead ends.”  He keeps his followers from danger and getting lost.  In the same way, our God knows the route we must take into the full blessings of the Christian life. If we will but follow His lead, He will go before us.  It is His job to direct our path.  It is His job to drive out our enemies.  It is His job to bring us to the fullness of joy.

Moses goes on to remind the people that their Trailblazer will never leave them or forsake them.  Unlike some human leaders who may abandon their post at the earliest sign of trouble, your Mighty God will never leave you nor forsake you.  He is with you all the way.  God will never leave those who are His.  In a world that is constantly changing and where people are constantly leaving, whether in a family, relationship, or in death, God’s promise of never leaving is so encouraging.  The task ahead of taking the Promised Land may seem impossible, but with the LORD, nothing is impossible.

Because God goes before us and never leaves us, we are exhorted not to fear or be dismayed.  Even when the task seems insurmountable and our enemies look fierce, we must keep our eyes on Him who will guide us safely to His Promised Land.  It is tempting to become fearful and dismayed when we are faced with a big challenge.  But when we acknowledge our Great Trailblazer, the fear will melt away.  Because He is with us and will never leave us.  So, trudge on great soldier!  Take the land!


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