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Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Today's Reading: Joshua 1


Key Verse - Joshua 1:8

Speak. Meditate. Do.

After the death of Moses, the LORD began speaking to Joshua, Israel’s new leader.  He begins by giving Joshua a great commission – his "marching orders."  Joshua must lead God’s people into the Promised Land.  Go over the Jordan River and take the Land.  Take all of it from the...

wilderness to Lebanon, from the Euphrates River to the Mediterranean Sea.  Divide the Land amongst the tribes of Israel.  Do not turn to the right or left.  He is telling Joshua to “stay on mission.”

Before he goes though, God gives Joshua a command regarding the Book of the Law.  He tells him that if he wants his mission to succeed – if he wants his way to be prosperous – he must do three things with the Word of God.  He must speak it, meditate on it, and do it.  If you do these three things, He tells him, “you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success” (V8). The LORD is making it clear, in no uncertain terms, that Joshua's success as Israel’s new leader depends entirely upon what he does with God’s Word.

Speak it.  “This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth.”  The language of the leader must be the language of God.  When he speaks, his words must always be saturated with God’s words.  When the people hear the words coming out of his mouth, they must hear of God’s truth.  It should be said of God’s leader that he/she is a person who speaks truth.

Meditate on it. “You shall meditate on it day and night.”  This refers to Joshua’s “alone time” with God.  To meditate means to think deeply and focus one’s mind; to muse and contemplate.  Not only should Joshua’s verbal expressions be God’s words, his thoughts must be God’s thoughts.  Meditating upon God’s truth would keep Joshua’s mind clear and focused on God’s ways.  He must make time daily to saturate his mind with truth.

Do it.  “That you may observe to do according to all that is written in it.” Joshua, listen up!  It’s not just words to ponder or words to speak.  My Law contains the words you must obey and you must lead my people to obey.  Whatever I have commanded you through my servant Moses, you must be very careful to put into practice.  Don't be only a "hearer," be a "doer."

We, too, must take the Word of God seriously.  We must speak it. Meditate on it. And do it. Only then will our way be prosperous and only then will we have good success.  Just as Joshua's success as Israel’s new leader depended entirely upon what he did with God’s Word, so your success as a follower of Christ depends on what you do with the Word of God in your life.

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