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Thursday, August 12, 2021

Today's Reading: Joshua 12


Key Verse - Joshua 12:7

Defeat All Your Enemies

Now that Israel controlled all the territory that was to become its homeland, the writer (believed to be Joshua) summarizes the entire conquest. Once Israel had won control of the land as a whole, Israel’s leaders began the task of dividing it among the tribes. Throughout the country, however, there were many areas that the Canaanites still...

occupied, usually because they had either escaped the Israelites or proved too difficult to conquer.

It was a major oversight that Israel left these small pockets of unconquered territory.  As we read on, we will discover that this becomes a problem for Israel later on. These “hidden” enemies will later on wreak havoc on Israel.  In the same way, we must conquer all of the enemies in our lives.  We must not let any sin or weakness or corruption be left unchallenged in our walk with Christ.  If we let our enemies escape or “hide” we too will discover that unconquered sin will become a problem for us later on.

I’ve seen it many times.  An enthusiastic Christian finally comes to their “Jordan River experience” where they despair of self-help and put their trust in God to fully conquer their enemies.  As they begin to experience victory, we see strongholds fall to God’s spirit.  “Big” sins like inappropriate indulgence in sexual pleasure, drunkenness, idolatry, and carousing fall as they are confronted by conviction from the Holy Spirit.  The believer, like Joshua, may even give testimony and tout these victories publicly. But sometimes, the believer fails to attack other heart attitudes like strife, anger, lust, or envy and the like with the same fervor.  They simply let these “small” sins, and others (such as quarrelling, dissensions, and factions) remain unconquered.  They “hide” them in the valleys of their heart.  These areas remain unconquered.

Tragically, later on - at the most unsuitable moments - these “hidden” sins emerge and wreak havoc on their Christian walk.  Perhaps it is anger that emerges and causes a breakdown of a relationship.  Or interest in pornography causes the destruction of a marriage.  These are the types of things that can happen if the believer fails to confront and conquer every enemy sin that lurks in their heart.

There is no such thing as a “small” sin.  Any sin left unchecked in our hearts is a future opportunity for failure. So, conquer ALL your enemies, dear believer, not just the “big” ones.   Don’t let a single one - no matter how inconsequential it may seem - avoid the conquering power of God.

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