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Sunday, August 15, 2021

Today's Reading: Joshua 15


Key Verse - Joshua 15:14

Even Your Biggest Enemies Will Fall

One of the adversaries Caleb faced during his efforts to conquer the portion of land granted to him were the “sons of Anak.”  Known collectively as “Anakim” (plural of Anak), this people group presented a formidable challenge.  The Anakim were a tall and powerful foe of the Israelites in ancient times.

The Anakim were a very tall people. Deuteronomy 9:2 describes them...

as "a people great and tall, the sons of the Anakim, whom you know, and of whom you have heard it said, 'Who can stand before the sons of Anak?'"  The Anakim were also believed to be descended from the Nephilim, a powerful group of people who lived prior to the global flood during Noah's time (Genesis 6:4).

It was the Anakim that terrified the spies Moses had sent to investigate the land.  They reported, "And there we saw the Nephilim (the sons of Anak, who come from the Nephilim), and we seemed to ourselves like grasshoppers, and so we seemed to them." (Numbers 13:33)  They were a “big” problem!  So much so, that ten of Israel’s spies withdrew in fear, believing they didn’t stand a chance against them.  And they persuaded the nation to not even try.

Nevertheless, Caleb trusted God.  He knew that the Anakim were no match for God’s power.  Caleb realized that the “enormity of a job is always measured by the agent doing the work.”  In other words, if you have a big and strong enough tool, any problem can be conquered. 

Sometimes we too have problems or challenges that seem too “big” to conquer.  We may think, “Oh sure God can take care of my small issues, like my foul mouth or my anger, but He could never conquer my drug addiction or alcoholism.  These problems are just too big even for Him.”  Don’t fall for this line of thinking.  There is no sin, no challenge, no problem that God is not big enough and strong enough to conquer!  If God is the “agent” doing the work, every adversary will fall before Him!

If you need to dig a swimming pool, don’t use a tablespoon – use the power of an excavator and backhoe.  They are big and strong enough to conquer even the hardest soil.  If you need to conquer the huge sins in your life, don’t undertake the battle on your own, call upon the LORD to do the work.  If He is the agent, every adversary will fall.

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