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Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Today's Reading: Joshua 19


Key Verse - Joshua 19:50

Finishing Well

The Promised Land has been conquered by Israel.  The land now has rest from war. The leaders of Israel are nearly finished dividing the land.  Each of the tribes has received their allotment.  The last thing for them to do is bestow an allotment upon Joshua the son of Nun.  They ask him which parcel he would like and he responds...

“Timnath-serah in the hill country of Ephraim on the north (side) of the mountain of Gaash.” 

Timnath-serah was a beautiful area with mountains, rolling hills, and numerous brooks and streams of fresh water.  It is also a well-protected area. Because of its high vantage point, Joshua could easily see for miles and would be alerted if any intruders were approaching. That’s Joshua – always thinking like a military leader. 

Joshua was nearly forty years old when he participated in the exodus from Egypt.  When they passed over Jordan he was eighty-four years of age; and after about twenty-six years laboring as the conquering leader of Israel he is now around one-hundred-ten years old. 

The allotment of land to Joshua is a fitting reward for his years of faithfulness and hard work.  He had lived an exemplary life with not a single blot on his record recorded in the Scriptures.  He was a man of diligence, faith, and confidence in the God he loved.  He seems to have served the Lord with singular fidelity. His life was truly a reflection of the LORD of Hosts, the God he served. 

Joshua finished well.  Unlike many who set out with good intentions but then falter somewhere along the way, Joshua remained faithful until the very end.  He, like the Apostle Paul, was able to say, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith.” (2 Timothy 4:7) 

Finishing well doesn’t happen by accident. It takes an intentional effort on the part of every follower of Christ to “fight” the good fight and to stay on course daily throughout our lives.  It is a fight – filled with struggles and conflicts and spiritual combat - to finish well.  We finish well when we fight until the devil is soundly defeated.  This is the only way we will get out of the ring alive.

 We also finish well by not dropping out of the race before reaching the finish line.  Joshua, like Paul, was able to say, “I have finished the course.”  Don’t give up, dear pilgrim, press on to the finish line.  I don’t know how long you’ve been running the race, but I’m guessing it is nowhere near 110 years.  So keep going.  Finish well.  The reward for your diligence and faithfulness awaits.  “Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day– and not only to me but also to all who have longed for his appearing.” (2 Timothy 4:8)

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