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Thursday, August 19, 2021

Today's Reading: Joshua 20 & 21


Key Verse - Joshua 21:45

Not. One. Word.

Verse 45 describes the theme and purpose of the Book of Joshua – to testify of God’s promise keeping character.  Although this book comes under the heading of “Old Testament History,” it is way more than just the facts of Israel’s history.  Its purpose is to give testimony of the faithfulness of God.

Not one good word of God failed. Not. One. Word. God fulfilled every promise...

He made to Israel. Everything God promised His people He brought about.  What an amazing testimony!  Our God, who cannot lie, is a Promise Keeper.  The substance of this testimony seems to be that we can count on God's Word. God will consistently do what He says He will do.  And He performed multiple miracles along the way in order to keep His promises.  Unexpected miracles.  Powerful miracles.  He unexpectedly stopped up the waters of the Jordan, collapsed the walls of Jericho, stopped the sun in the sky, and helped Israel defeat their enemies.

In the same way, dear Christian, you must grasp the truth that your God is The Promise Keeper extraordinaire.  Not one good word that God has spoken to you will fail.  When your life reaches its final moments, this will be your testimony – that the Lord fulfilled every promise He made to YOU!  Your life will testify of God’s faithfulness and of the many times He performed miracles in order to keep His promises.  On your gravestone it will read, “God’s Promises are True.”

God promises you the presence and power of the Holy Spirit to fill you, to lead you, to comfort you, to empower you, and to lead you into all truth.  God promises to supply every need you have.  God promises that His grace is sufficient for you. He promises that you will not be overtaken by temptation if you will but trust His way of escape. The Lord promises that all things will work together for good in your life.  God promises forgiveness for all of your sins.  He promises you victory over the deceptive schemes of the devil.  God promises that your life will “bear much fruit” as you abide in Him.  The Lord promises to be with you always, even to the end of the world.  And the Lord of Life promises that those who believe in His Son will never die, but will have everlasting life.

There are over three thousand promises made to believers in the Bible.  These are promises made to YOU.  And not one good word of God will fail.  Let your life be a testimony to this truth: When God makes a promise, He keeps it.  Not one word of the good promises that the Lord has made will fail; all will come to pass. 

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