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Saturday, August 21, 2021

Today's Reading: Joshua 23


Key Verse - Joshua 23:11

Be Very Careful

Three of the most prevalent sins in modern Christianity are prayerlessness, sharelessness, and carelessness.  We commit “prayerlessness” when we do not obey His command to “pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” (1 Thessalonians 5:17)  We commit the sin of “sharelessness” when we...

fail to “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation” (Mark 16:15).

Most often, however, Christians are guilty of “carelessness” with regards to their relationship with God.  Carelessness means to become negligent; show a lack of consideration; to not pay attention.  Christians at all ages and stages of spiritual growth can become complacent about the things of God.  Skipping daily devotions, because “I’ve been so busy.”  Skipping church gatherings, because “my kids have soccer games.”  Skipping prayer time, because “something good was on TV.”  Watch out, dear Christian, for the sin of carelessness.

God’s people are commanded over 200 times in the Bible to “be careful.”  Here in chapter 23, as part of Joshua’s farewell address, he tells the people to “be very careful to love the LORD your God.”  Loving God was not something that Joshua ever wanted the people to take for granted or be careless about.  He wanted them to give full consideration and attention to their love for God.

As followers of Christ, we are exhorted in the New Testament to: “be careful lest the light in you be darkness” (Luke 11:35) and to “be careful to devote yourselves to good works” (Titus 3:8). The opposite of carelessness is carefulness, or diligence.  We must be diligent in our relationship with God because “he that comes to God must believe that He is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him.”  Not half-heartedly, but diligently.  Not carelessly, but intentionally.

The end result of prolonged carelessness is tragic.  Jesus described it in Revelation 2:4 by saying “that you have left your first love.”  So, take a little inventory of your life:  If you can go hours or days without having more than a passing thought of Him; if You don’t have a strong desire to spend time with Him; If you don’t have a strong hunger for His Word or Bible reading is a “chore”; if Your worship is formal, dry, lifeless, merely going through the motions; or if you crave human companionship more than a relationship with Christ, then be certain that the sin of carelessness has crept into your life.

How do you fix carelessness?  It’s as simple as realizing your sin, remembering where God wants you to be, and returning to your first love – Jesus.  He is waiting with open arms for you to diligently seek Him.  Be very careful, therefore, to love the Lord your God.

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