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Thursday, August 5, 2021

Today's Reading: Joshua 4 & 5


Today's Verse - Joshua 4:14

When God Changes Leaders

Jesus taught us that “Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.” (Matthew 23:12)  In today’s reading we have an example of a humble man who was exalted by God. 

There is a critical moment in every transition from one leader to his/her successor.  That moment is characterized by...

whether or not the people will accept and follow the replacement.  In many countries, the change of a political leader often results in chaos and confusion, especially when that leader is removed unwillingly. But in today’s passage, we see one of the smoothest transitions of power ever recorded. 

Moses, of course, has now passed from the scene.  He had been revered and respected by the people of Israel as their God-chosen leader for forty years. Moses had made it clear near the end of his life, that Joshua the son of Nun had been chosen by God to take over when he was gone.  The people heard it.  They knew it.  But did they accept it?  Would Joshua be afforded the same respect and loyalty that Moses had?

When the LORD exalts a new leader, He makes certain that the people will indeed recognize him as God’s choice for leadership.  In this case, Joshua’s “stock rose” when the people passed over the Jordan River on dry ground.  God had stepped in and miraculously made a way for the people to achieve their lifelong goal of conquering the Promised Land. This miracle gave the people’s faith a much-needed boost and simultaneously caused them to recognize Joshua as their new leader.  God miraculously exalted Joshua.

When God changes leaders, expect to see signs from Him that bear witness to the new leader’s role.  Perhaps not the parting of the Jordan, but strong signs of His calling.  When a church loses their beloved Pastor for example, it is often very difficult for his replacement to garner widespread acceptance.  At least at first.  But over time, God will exalt that Pastor.  He will anoint his words with the Spirit of life and guide his decisions with God-given wisdom.  In due time, that new Pastor who humbles himself, will be exalted in the eyes of the people.

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