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Friday, August 6, 2021

Today's Reading: Joshua 6

Key Verse - Joshua 6:20

How Walls Come Down

The destruction of Jericho demonstrated the kind of warfare that Israel was engaged in.  This was no physical assault using the traditional implements of war.  This wasn’t a case where the walls fell due to great force being applied. It wasn’t a windstorm, or an earthquake, or the vibrations caused by the trumpets...

and shouts of the people that caused this wall to fall.  Israel was engaged in a spiritual war, and this victory at Jericho was a spiritual event.  It was nothing other than a supernatural miracle orchestrated by the Almighty God that gave Israel the city that day.  A spiritual victory.  This was demonstrated in the important role of the priests, the prominence of the ark of the covenant, the repeated use of the number seven (God’s number) in the battle preparations, the trumpets, and the shouting of the people.

The collapse of the walls at the exact moment God planned showed that victory came through the power of God, in response to the faith of his people.  By faith the walls of Jericho fell down after they had been encircled for seven days.” (Hebrews 11:30)  The Israelites demonstrated their faith by following God’s will – even though His will seemed foolish and ineffective on the surface.  After all, who conquers a city by carrying an ark, walking in circles, blowing trumpets, and shouting?  Their faith was not in any of these impractical actions – their faith was in God to keep His promises.  They had no problem because they had finally come to believe that their God was big enough!

As you engage in spiritual warfare to conquer the “enemies in the land” keep in mind that God’s ways are not man’s ways.  He may ask you to undertake some seemingly impractical and even foolish actions to get victory.  You should have no problem with it if your God is big enough. It took great faith for Israel to believe that blowing a trumpet would have an impact on their enemy.  It will take great faith for you to believe that tithing – giving money away – will give you victory over your financial difficulties.  It seems impractical, and others may tell you it is foolish.  But you should have no problem with it if your God is big enough.  It may seem silly that by forgiving someone who has wronged you will have a positive effect on your spiritual well-being.  But God tells you to do it anyway.  You should have no problem with it if your God is big enough.

So, blow the trumpets and shout!  Don’t try to outwit or outsmart your flesh.  Do it God’s way. Follow the steps He prescribes. And watch the walls of your spiritual enemies start to fall.

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