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Sunday, August 8, 2021

Today's Reading: Joshua 8

Key Verse - Joshua 8:1

 Be Not Dismayed

Joshua, the great man of faith, was suddenly fearful and dismayed.  The dictionary defines “dismay” as “consternation and distress, typically that caused by something unexpected; a feeling of fear, disappointment, shock, or...

worry.”  In the original Hebrew language, this word means “to lower someone's spirits; make downhearted.” 

Joshua’s spirits were down.  He was downhearted after the nation’s unexpected defeat at the small city of Ai.  Perhaps Joshua never considered the possibility that Israel would actually face losses during their military deployment to conquer the land of Canaan.  Perhaps he thought it would be one decisive win after the other.  Their defeat at Ai was “something unexpected” and it rattled Joshua’s confidence.  His morale was low.  It probably shook his equilibrium a bit.

In the same way, when you and I enter God’s “Promised Land” and begin to conquer our spiritual enemies (sin, the flesh), we sometimes get so confident that we begin to think there will never be setbacks or struggles in our battle to overcome sin.  When a setback comes – and it eventually will – it can rattle our confidence as well.  Perhaps we felt that sin would just “melt away” as we progressed in our walk with Christ.  Perhaps we never realized that some sins are more stubborn than others and may take a concentrated and prolonged effort to conquer.  When this happens, we can become dismayed – getting downhearted and discouraged.  Satan loves to use these moments in our lives to get our eyes off of our God and begin to mistrust and worry.

When the LORD saw that Joshua’s spirits were down, He spoke to him and said “Do not be dismayed.”  With these words, He inspired Joshua to new courage.  He exhorted him to be filled with faith once again.  In fact, the command “do not be dismayed” is one of the most often repeated phrases in Scripture, appearing over a dozen times.  God doesn’t want His people to be downhearted, shocked, worried, or fearful.  He wants His people to be filled with faith as they confidently rely on Him.  Yes, there will be setbacks and struggles, but never let them rob you of your joy and faith.

Whatever battle you are facing today – whatever stubborn sin is giving you disappointment and worry – listen to God’s words to you… Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9)

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