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Monday, August 9, 2021

Today's Reading: Joshua 9


Key Verse - Joshua 9:14

But They Didn't Ask God

The men of Israel looked them over and accepted the evidence. But they didn’t ask God about it.

They listened to their story of far-away travels.  But they didn’t ask God about it.

They believed their words of praise for God. But they didn’t ask God about it.

They made peace with them and formalized it with a covenant. But they didn’t ask God about it.

It took only three days before Joshua and these men...

of Israel realized the tragedy of their action.  They had made a decision without God’s counsel and now their hands are tied.  These shady men of Gibeon intentionally deceived the Israelites as a means of self-preservation.  You can’t really blame them.  After all, if they had not pulled off this ruse, their towns and villages would have been beaten and these men probably would have lost their lives.

We must be extremely careful not to fall for the trickery of the enemy.  While it is important to use our God-given faculties (mind, will, emotions) to make decisions in life, we must be cautious to include God’s counsel in all that we do.  “’For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,’ declares the LORD.” (Isaiah 55:8) 

It is interesting to note that this is really the second mistake that Joshua has made as Israel’s leader. The first one was going up against Ai when there was impurity in the community.  And now, He enters into a covenant without God’s counsel.  Had they sought counsel from God, had Joshua come to Eleazar the high priest and inquired of the Lord concerning these people, the Lord would've shown to them that these people were impostors. Joshua would've realized that these men were just seeking to disguise themselves as having come on a long journey. Their mistake was that of failure to seek God's counsel. It got them into an ungodly alliance.

Beware, lest you put too much confidence in outward appearances and fail to inquire of the Lord.  Yes, you should look at the evidence.  Yes, you should listen to the story.  Yes, you should take the circumstances into account when making life decisions.  But the most important thing you must do is turn to God for His wisdom and counsel. God's wisdom is available to anyone willing to come to Him. “The one who gets wisdom loves life; the one who cherishes understanding will soon prosper.” (Proverbs 19:8)

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