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Sunday, August 29, 2021

Today's Reading: Judges 7

Key Verse - Judges 7:2

When Human Strength Is Too Much

Gideon and the armies of Israel are about to take on the Midianites - an intimidating enemy.  So, Gideon prepares the nation for war.  He gathers over 30,000 soldiers to fight in the battle – a number that he was confident would be enough to conquer Midian.  As the troops move closer to the enemy territory, Gideon is interrupted by...

the Lord who says, “Hold on! You have TOO LARGE of an army with you, Gideon.”  Wait!  What?  Too large an army?  Is that even possible? Gideon certainly would have understood if the Lord told him that his army was too small.  But too big?  Gideon was puzzled. How could having too many soldiers be a problem?  But God had a plan. 

The Lord goes on to explain, “If I let you proceed into battle with this much human strength, then you and your armies will take all the credit, saying, ‘I did it all myself,’ and forget about Me. We can’t let that happen Gideon.  I can’t turn Midian over to you like this.”  So, Gideon begins paring down the troops.  First, down to 10,000, and ultimately down to merely three hundred men.  I’m sure Gideon is thinking that there’s no way to beat Midian with only three hundred men.  They’ll crush us.  But God had a plan.  

The next thing that happens is that Gideon disarms his troops.  He tells them to put down their swords and their spears.  He gives each of them a trumpet, a jar, and a torch – not your usual implements of war.  But God had a plan.

The message that God was trying to get across to Gideon and his troops was that there are times when human strength is “too much.”  When we rely on our own resources, and our own ingenuity, and our own strength to accomplish a task it doesn’t leave much room for God to show His might on our behalf.   We can easily get our eyes off of God and His mighty working power.  Whenever we attempt to achieve some spiritual victory in our own strength we run the risk of saying, “I did it by myself.” Rather, we must learn to rely on God and give Him the credit – even when He uses “unconventional” methods to win the war.

 Who, or what, is your Midian?  Is there an intimidating enemy on your horizon?  Are you gathering your resources to take on the battle?  Are you planning the strategies to use – like “positive thinking” or “determination” or “seven steps to success”?  Don’t be surprised when the Lord interrupts you and says, “Wait!  Don’t do it.  Put down your ‘swords’ and ‘spears’ and pick up your trumpet and torch.”  Then you will see God’s plan and His power and His victory, and you’ll be able to say, like Gideon, “look what the Lord has done!”


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