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Monday, September 27, 2021

Today's Reading: 1 Samuel 14:1-23

Key Verse - 1 Samuel 14:6

 By Many Or By Few

Vastly out-numbered and out-armed, Jonathan decides to take the battle to the Philistines—but in a very God-dependent way. 

Jonathan, Saul’s son, rightly understood the greatness of God.  He recognized that if the LORD was fighting on his side, it didn’t matter how big his army was, or how strong his arsenal was, or how brilliant his battle strategy was.  He rightly acknowledged that nothing can hinder the LORD from saving when it was His will to do so.

He got to thinking "You know, there's a whole army of the Philistines over there. Maybe God wants to give Israel the victory over that army of the Philistines today. Now if the Lord wants to give the victory to Israel over those Philistines, He doesn't need a whole army. He can give the victory to one man as well as six hundred or to two. It really doesn't make any difference to God whether we have a huge army, or whether we just have a few if God wants to give the victory to Israel, He will.

There’s no rule that says God can only deliver by using a big army. No one can stop God from saving when he sets His mind to it.  Unlike human strength, which has limitations and requires substantial resources, God’s strength knows no limitations.

What ministry has God called you to?  What battle does the Lord want you to win? Has He called you to take His word to a hostile world?  Has He called you to stand up for the innocent?  Has He called you to take the Gospel into uncharted waters or to an unreached people? Has He called you to challenge a corrupt politician for his/her political office?  Do you feel inadequate for the challenge? While it may seem to be an insurmountable challenge from a human standpoint, God is not limited by human frailty or inadequacy. 

It has been said, “Me plus God is a majority.”  You alone will outnumber armies of thousands, if God is with you.  You can accomplish great victories if you take your battle to the enemy in a very God-dependent way.  This doesn’t mean to be cocky or foolish.  It means to make certain God is leading you and, if He is, He will work powerfully on your behalf.  Nothing can hinder the Lord from saving by many or by few.

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