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Saturday, October 9, 2021

Today's Reading: 1 Samuel 23 & Psalm 57

Key Verse - 1 Samuel 23:14

Saul Sought David. David Sought God.

Saul was a "seeker." Saul was seeking David.  He was determined to find David and execute him so he would no longer be a threat to his kingdom and dynasty. When Saul would hear a report about David’s whereabouts, he would immediately pursue him in that location. According to Saul’s son Jonathan, Saul was fully aware that God had chosen David to be the new king.  In verse 17, Jonathan says to David, “You [David] shall be king over Israel, and I shall be next to you. Saul my father also knows this.” Despite knowing in his heart that God had given the kingdom over to David, Saul still sought him.  Saul was a “seeker.” But he wasn’t seeking after the right thing(s).  He was seeking his own benefit and acclaim.

David, also, was a “seeker.” But he wasn’t seeking his own advancement or comfort.  He was a seeker after God. And, herein is the essential principle that sustained David and protected him from Saul’s relentless pursuit.  David was a man “after God’s own heart.”  He loved the Lord and sought to draw close to him continually.  We are told about four times in today’s chapter that David repeatedly “inquired of the LORD.” While Saul was seeking David, David was seeking God.  As a result, David always remained one step ahead of his pursuer.

In Psalm 57, David credited the LORD with answering his prayers and saving him from Saul’s pursuit. “I cry out to God Most High, to God who fulfills his purpose for me. He will send from heaven and save me; he will put to shame him who tramples on me.” (Psalm 57:2-3)

David knew that God had a purpose for his life. He knew that God would see to it that this purpose was fulfilled. So, David continually inquired of the Lord and committed his safekeeping to “God Most High.”

God also has a purpose for your life.  But your enemy (the devil) is seeking to thwart God’s purpose and drive you off course from God’s plan.  This is why it is so important to seek the LORD regularly and continually.  If you remain committed to seeking the LORD along life’s path, He will see to it that you are always one step ahead of your pursuer.  He will “put to shame him who tramples on” you.

Don’t turn aside to the right or the left. Be a “seeker” of God. Stay on His divine path. Inquire regularly and sincerely of Him. He has never lost one of His followers, and He will not lose you. No one can snatch you out of His hand. (John 10:29)


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