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Sunday, October 17, 2021

Today's Reading: 1 Samuel 25


Key Verse - 1 Samuel 25:29

Bound in the Bundle of Life

David and his men were hungry. So David went to Nabal, a wealthy rancher and requested some food and provisions. Nabal, (whose name means, “foolish”) did not heed David’s request but sent them away empty handed. As a result, David mustered his men and prepared them to attack Nabal and his men. But then, along came Nabal’s wife, a woman named Abigail.

Abigail, (whose name means “the father’s joy”) brought joy to David and his men when she secretly provided some food and provisions for them and pronounced a blessing upon them. Because of her kindness, David called off his attack and left town peaceably. In the course of Abigail’s blessing of David she said, “The life of my lord [David] shall be bound in the bundle of the living in the care of the LORD your God.”

To be bound in the bundle of life is to know that you are protected and cared for deeply.  When valuable items were transported during biblical times, they were wrapped in cloth, cotton and other soft materials for protection. They were then wrapped again and again to ensure safe arrival. They were “bound” for their protection.  So, when Abigail says to David that his life shall be bound in the bundle of life or “of the living,” she was pronouncing a blessing of safety and protection upon him.  In essence, she was saying, “May the Lord wrap your life in bundles of safety and protection.” Abigail recognized David’s relationship with “the LORD his God.” Accordingly, she invoked a blessing of protection upon David, calling for him to be protected and deeply cared for by the LORD.  Abigail’s reminder of God’s value and protection over him gave David the inner strength to leave the matter in God’s hands.

As a follower of Christ, your life is “bound in the bundle of life” as well.  God wants you to know that He has wrapped your life in many layers of care and protection and He cares for you deeply. His protection over your life ensures that you, too, are safe from every attack and in every battle you face in life. It is now up to you to have the inner strength to leave the matter in God’s hands and trust His protection and deep care for you.

In David’s case, Nabal died shortly after this incident and Abigail became David’s new bride. God turned the tables on a foolish man and blessed David in the process as he was living in the care of the LORD his God.

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