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Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Today's Reading: Psalm 107


Key Verse - Psalm 107:9

Satisfaction for the Longing Soul

Human beings were originally created as complete and whole individuals, living in fellowship with their Creator. The human soul was in a constant state of satisfaction and contentment. Peace ruled in the human heart because God ruled in the human heart. The soul of man was filled with good things. But then came the fall of humanity, where, through one act of disobedience to God, a previously unknown hunger entered the human heart. Mankind had been separated from God and, as a result, the soul of human beings now feels empty and hungry and unfulfilled. This hunger is nothing more than a deep longing to be restored to fellowship with God. To have that deep connection to the God who loves us and who also longs for us to be restored to Him.

The good news is that God has made provision for this emptiness in the longing human soul. He has offered each and every one of us the opportunity to experience a return to the complete and whole existence the original humans once enjoyed. In His grace and love, He doesn’t leave us without the amazing opportunity to return to that state of satisfaction and contentment. He has given us a way to have our soul filled with good things once again.

Satisfaction for the longing soul comes from only one source – Him. Notice in verse 9, we are told that “He” satisfies the longing soul and “He” fills the hungry soul with good things. Searching for this sense of wholeness and contentment in our soul in anyone or anything other than Him, will leave you empty and frustrated. You won’t find it in relationships with others. You won’t find it in a healthy body. You won’t find it in riches and wealth. You won’t find it in higher education. You won’t find it in new age spiritual pursuits. You won’t find it in bigger houses or faster cars or bigger bank accounts. You won’t find it in mind-altering substances or by “drowning your sorrows” with alcohol or drugs. Nope. You can only find true satisfaction for your longing soul in one Person – the Living God.

Verse 8 says, “Blessed be the LORD for His steadfast love, for His wondrous works to the children of man!” What a blessing it is to be restored to that right relationship with our Heavenly Father who loves us and sent His Son to restore us to Him. You no longer have to spend your life longing for peace and striving for satisfaction.  All you need to do is come to Jesus, confess your sins to Him, and by faith receive His free gift of satisfaction for your longing soul.

He longs for you. You long for Him. It’s a “match made in Heaven!”  Simply put, if you return to Him, He will restore your peace and fulfill your soul with good things. As Jesus said, Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28)

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