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Monday, November 8, 2021

Today's Reading: Psalm 85 & 87

Key Verse - Psalm 85:8

He Will Speak Peace to His People

Peace. What an amazing word. And an amazing experience!

There are a few different definitions for the word “peace.” One definition is “absence of war or conflict.” This definition can apply to individuals, political parties, or nations at war. When the conflict has ended, we say there is “peace.” Another definition simply means “quietness or silence.” This use of the word can come from frazzled parents who say to their noisy child, “I need some peace and quiet.”  A third definition of “peace” has to do with our inner soul. In this context it means “tranquility of soul, serenity; absence of inner conflict.” This is the type of peace that all human beings long for. We desire for the anxiety, worry, angst, and fretfulness in our hearts to be replaced with peace, sweet peace. This is the type of peace that God promises to His saints.

The Bible speaks of this type of inner peace as “the peace of God.” In Philippians 4:7 we are told that this peace of God transcends human understanding. We can experience it, but we don’t understand it. God’s peace is a state of tranquility or quietness of spirit that transcends circumstances. You can be going through the most difficult and discouraging circumstances of your life, but the Lord can still keep your heart at peace. God’s peace is not the absence of conflict. God’s peace is serenity in the midst of conflict. It has been said that God doesn’t always calm the storm, He calms His people in the midst of the storm.

We first experience this amazing peace when we initially place our trust in Christ for salvation and our conscience is cleansed. After that initial experience, His peace in our hearts grows as we get to know Him better. When we grow in understanding of the depths and riches of God’s love toward us, our minds and spirits begin to rest in His power and wisdom. We begin to understand that He really will make all things work together for our good and, with that understanding, our hearts can rest in Him.

If you are experiencing unrest in your soul, or anxiety, or fretfulness – God can fix it! He can replace your angst with his peace and calmness. This type of peace comes only from the Lord. When we hear what the Lord speaks, and take it to heart, our inner turmoil gives way to God’s divine peace. Notice what our key verse for today says, “When the Lord speaks to His people, He will speak peace.” If the voices you are hearing are causing anxiety or conflict in your soul, it is probably because you have let the voice of the Lord get drowned out by other “voices.” If the words you hear in your heart are causing restlessness, it is time to pay attention to the Lord, His “still, small voice” will speak peace to His people. Draw near to Him and He will draw near to you!


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