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Thursday, December 2, 2021

Today's Reading: Psalm 23 & 24

Key Verse - Psalm 23:1-3

Yahweh My Shepherd

For thousands of years, authors have tried to outdo one another in describing the popularity, beauty, and delight of this little Psalm. It is described as perhaps the most popular chapter of all the Psalms. There is little I can do to add to their eloquent words in describing the depth of the riches of this Psalm.

Psalm 23 describes our relationship with God from a sheep’s point of view. David, of course had grown up as a shepherd on the hills of Bethlehem. He knew what it meant to be a shepherd. And as he has grown into a deeper and deeper relationship with Yahweh, he has also come to know what it means to be a sheep in God’s flock. David declares here with great confidence that, since the Lord is his Shepherd, his life has purpose, provision, protection, and direction.

Since the LORD is my Shepherd, my life has purpose. Human beings are not just the products of “the fortunate occurrence of accidental circumstances” with no purpose or meaning to our existence. Our lives have the deep and meaningful purpose found in our relationship with our Creator – the Good Shepherd. We were created to find our purpose in Christ, and by following Him, our deep craving for meaning is satisfied.  No matter what you do in life, what career you pursue, or what you are working towards, your purpose is to grow and mature in Him.

Since the LORD is my Shepherd, my life has provision. He promises that we will “not want.” The word “want” means to lack or have scarcity. The priority of any true shepherd is to make sure that the flock is well fed and watered. Our Shepherd assures us that “those who seek the LORD lack no good thing” in this world (Psalm 34:10). This doesn’t mean that our every want and desire will be satisfied, but that God knows our needs and promises that He shall “supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:19).

Since the LORD is my Shepherd, my life has protection. Sheep under the care of a good shepherd have no fear of predators. They can “lie down in green pastures” and drink from the “still waters” because they have come to know that their shepherd is watching over them.  Sheep without a shepherd have no defense against predators. Their only hope of survival is to huddle with other sheep and hope for the best. Not so those with a shepherd. He diligently watches over them and wards off enemies with his rod and staff.

Since the LORD is my Shepherd, my life has direction. We are moving through this world with a “destination” in mind.  Our Good Shepherd leads us beside the still waters – where we can drink the refreshment of the Holy Spirit. He also leads us in paths of righteousness so our lives are pleasing to Him. And ultimately, He will lead us to the “marriage supper of the Lamb” where He has prepared a table for us in the presence of our enemies.

Every heart craves security and purpose, protection and direction, and these desires are fulfilled for those who can truthfully say, “The Lord is my Shepherd.”

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