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Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Today's Reading: 1 Kings 2

Key Verse - 1 Kings 2:2-3

Show Yourself a Man

I fear that our culture is losing the notion of what it means to be “a man.” For some, a “real man” is a logger who wears plaid and doesn't shower for 10 days. For others, he is a college professor who talks about Shakespeare. On the WikiHow page entitled, “How to be a Man,” we are told that men must know and follow the “man-code” which includes such things as never using smiley faces or emoticons and never initiating conversation with your neighbor at the adjacent urinal station. But are these really the signs of a man?

When king David’s time came to pass from this life, he took his son Solomon aside and said, “I am about to go the way of all the earth. Be strong, and SHOW YOURSELF A MAN.” With those words, David was commanding his son to step up to the challenge of being a “real man” as he took on the new chapter in his life as Israel’s king. But David’s definition of a real man differs dramatically from our modern-day understanding. David goes on in this verse to explain to Solomon what a “real man” looks like from God’s point of view.

A real man keeps the charge of the Lord. The word “charge” simply means the “assignment” or “calling” God has placed upon his life. For Solomon to show himself a man, he must follow through with the entirety of God’s plan for his life. When times get challenging (and they will), don't give up or pull back. You must follow through. So must you! God has given you an assignment that He expects you to complete during this life – so step up to the challenge and keep the charge of the Lord your God.

A real man walks in God’s ways. To walk in His ways means to know what God expects of you in thought, word, and action. He has given you His word as a flawless guide to the behavior He desires to see from your life. Proverbs 20:7 says, “The godly walk with integrity.” So act like it! Don’t just “know” His ways, but walk in them.   

A real man keeps God’s statutes, commands, rules, and testimonies. David uses four key words here to describe the law of the Lord. Each word refers to essentially the same thing – God’s revealed truth as found in the Scriptures. A real man will know his Bible, love his Bible, and live out his Bible.

You want to show yourself a man? Then discard the world’s mistaken definition of manhood and begin right now to keep the charge of God, walk in His ways, and keep His holy word to the best of your ability. This may not impress the world around you, but it impresses your Heavenly Father enormously.


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