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Thursday, January 27, 2022

Today's Reading: Psalm 71

Key Verse - Psalm 71:18

Keeping Your Perspective on Eternity 

In Psalm 71, the believer is pictured looking back on a long life and recalling how the wicked always have opposed him. But just as God has protected him since childhood, the Psalmist is confident that He will continue to do so now that he is old.  From his youth he has proclaimed the great saving acts of God. He prays that God will not disappoint him now, and that he will continue to proclaim the message of divine salvation until the end of his life on earth.

You can sense in the Psalmist’s words that he has lived a life filled with purpose and passion. He has served the Lord and done so with diligence. Now, he is dreading the idea of being “put out to pasture.” He longs to see God’s purposes continually be fulfilled even into his final days. His heartfelt prayer is, “Forsake me not when my strength is spent.” He still has a mission to accomplish in this life – and that mission is to pass the truth of God to the next generation.

What a profound perspective on life! This is the perspective of eternity. It is so easy and commonplace for aging people to focus on themselves – after all, their body is breaking down, their health is deteriorating, their prescription medications are piling up, and their mind just isn’t what it used to be. As a person gets older, changes occur in all parts of the body, including the brain. Certain parts of the brain shrink, especially those important to learning and other complex mental activities. It is so tempting get your eyes on yourself and your situation rather than looking upward and keeping your eyes on eternity.

But God isn’t finished with you yet!  He saved you to bring you into an abundant life of purpose and passion. And His purposes do not fail just because your hair is turning gray. His calling on your life is to continue to proclaim His message to future generations. Psalm 92 tells us that the person who trusts God, Even in old age they will still produce fruit; they will remain vital and green. (Psalm 92:14). His calling is for you to flourish as His obedient servant all the way to the end.

So, don’t give up. Don’t get your eyes on yourself. Keep your eyes on eternity. After all, “The glory of the young is their strength; the gray hair of experience is the splendor of the old. (Proverbs 20:29) He is not about to forsake you now!


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