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Sunday, January 23, 2022

Today's Reading: Psalms 113, 114, & 115


Key Verse - Psalm 115:1

Not Unto Us!

Let’s be completely honest here – humans deserve no credit or praise for the good that comes from their lives. For some, that statement might seem a bit harsh, or even hurtful. It may be hard to admit, but it is the cold hard truth. The Bible repeatedly teaches this truth in one way or another - that human beings (left to themselves) are not capable of achieving anything of eternal value by their own efforts. We cannot save ourselves. We cannot transform ourselves. We cannot guide ourselves. We cannot teach, preach, evangelize, or serve in our own human efforts or strength. Only God can do those things, and rightfully only God must get the credit and praise when they happen.

This Psalm begins with the acknowledgement of two important truths: (1) no glory is ours; and, (2) all glory is God’s. In the economy of God, there is no shared glory. There is no self-glory. To the Lord, and Him alone goes all the credit and praise for all the love and faithfulness He has shown to us. When something good happens, we must resist any attempt to take the credit. We, like the Psalmist, must insist that “not unto us, O Lord, not unto us” should glory be given. Only unto Him.

The more a person is used by the Lord, the more they need to be aware of the risk of self-glory. Especially if God uses them in a public setting. The danger of accepting the accolades of people grows in proportion to the visibility and effectiveness of our ministry. A wise pastor who had become quite popular and renown in our community once told me, “I never believe my own press clippings.” This was his way of saying that the praises of people are misplaced if they are praising him rather than giving glory to God. When someone attempts to give us the credit, we must resist the temptation to accept their praise. When praise and glory is addressed to us, it is so important to “forward the mail” to its rightful Recipient - the LORD our God.

Once we know the truth about our own sinfulness, weaknesses, failures, and inabilities there is no rational reason why we would ever take God’s credit or glory. Take a moment now and let the Holy Spirit search your heart for any area of pride, self-glory, or even shared-glory. Then, in humility and honesty say, “Not to me, O Lord, not to me, but to Your Name goes all the glory for your unfailing love and faithfulness.” 

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