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Saturday, January 8, 2022

Today's Reading: Psalms 95 & 97

Key Verse - Psalm 95:6

Let Us Stoop Down

Psalm 95 is an invitation to come before God and worship Him.  Sadly, the meaning of the word “worship” has been degraded over many generations. In our day, it has come to mean “that portion of our church service where we sing songs together.” In many churches, you will hear the pastor say something like, “let’s worship,” as the musicians start into the melody and lyrics of a song for the congregation to sing. But worship is more than a “sing-along.” Way more!

The original Hebrew word for “worship” used in verse 5 is, “Šāhâ.” This word literally means “to stoop down.”  In verses 5 & 6, we are exhorted to bow down and prostrate ourselves as an act of reverence and worship to our Creator. By this act of stooping down, we are expressing the superiority of the One to whom we bow. Yes, this stooping down can be done with song. But it can also be done in complete silence. In reality, worship is not an expression of our voices, it is an expression our soul declaring the worthiness of our God. By our bowed hearts, we are acknowledging the glory and greatness of our Creator.

Why should we worship Him? This Psalm gives us several reasons as the basis of our bowed hearts. First, because He is great – “For the Lord is a great God” (V3). The word “great” means to be massively large in magnitude, extent, intensity, and importance. We stoop down to God because He is enormously great.  Second, because no one compares to Him – He is “a great King above all gods” (V3). People worship many so-called “gods,” but not one of them is the true and living God. There is only one true God – and nothing compares to Him. He alone is worthy of our worship. Third, we worship Him because of His creative and sustaining power – “In his hand are the depths of the earthhis hands formed the dry land” (V5). It is right to bow down to the One who made the universe and who sustains it with the might of His power. Finally, we worship Him because He is our Great Shepherd – “we are the people of his pasture and the sheep of his hand” (V7). This mighty and great Creator with vast and endless power is the very One who cares for us with His deep love – as a shepherd cares for his sheep. For these reasons, and more, we stoop down before Him with our heartfelt expressions of worship.

So, today if you hear His voice – don’t harden your heart! Instead, turn your heart toward Him and stoop down in His presence. He is a great God and worthy of your worship!

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