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Saturday, February 12, 2022

Today's Reading: 1 Kings 5

Key Verse - 1 Kings 5:7

Blessed With Wise Children

In verse 7 we read the words of Hiram, the king of Tyre, after he heard the news that Solomon was the new king, “Blessed be Yahweh this day.” These words may be an indication that Hiram (a Gentile) had converted to Judaism and believed in the One True and Only God, or simply his recognition that Yahweh was the God of Israel. We are told that Hiram was an admirer of David and, as such, he likely acknowledged the many times Yahweh had intervened with power on David’s and Israel’s behalf. For this, he had great respect for David and now going forward, David’s son, Solomon.

After acknowledging that Solomon was Yahweh’s choice as Israel’s new king, Hiram went on to recognize Solomon’s great wisdom. He rejoiced that Solomon had such a depth of wisdom as he began to reign in David’s stead. His words reveal that he knew the source of Solomon’s wisdom “the LORD… has given to David a wise son.”

What a blessing it is for any parent to witness God’s hand upon their child’s life. And it is heart-warming when others take notice of the Lord’s work in their child and bless God for it. For the follower of Christ, our mandate from God is clear – raise your child in the ways of the Lord. Ephesians 5:4 admonishes us to “Bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.” This is not an easy undertaking by any means. It requires diligence and love and persistence and lots of prayer on the part of the parents. Parents must be so careful to ensure that (in addition to their child’s physical, emotional, and educational needs) their spiritual needs are fostered and nurtured with the truth of God. And, what joy it brings when we can step back and say, “Blessed be the Lord this day who has given to [me] a wise son/daughter.”

It is an amazing thing to watch as your child “graduates” to interacting with God on their own. What a joy when your child demonstrates spiritual wisdom such that others take notice of it.

 It is truly a blessing when we have wise children. In this context, we remember the words of Proverbs 22:6, “Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it.” What joy it brings when your child remains on the “Highway of Holiness” even after you’ve released control of his/her life.

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