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Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Today's Reading: Proverbs 1

Key Verse - Proverbs 1:7

The Beginning of Knowledge

The Bible emphasizes that one of the greatest qualities we can possess is wisdom. The book of Proverbs begins by teaching us the value of knowledge and wisdom and how to obtain it. True wisdom involves not only growth in knowledge, but also the ability to use that knowledge in discerning what is right and true, then acting accordingly. The result of true knowledge will be purity in personal behavior and justice in dealings with others. Proverbs 1:7 contains the major premise of the entire Book – that true wisdom and knowledge in life can only be found by those who fear the Lord.

The Hebrew word for “fear” in this verse is “yir’â”. When used of God, this word means to have a deep and somber respect and reverence for Him. The idea behind the phrase, “fear of the Lord,” is that God is such an awesome and terrifying Being that you don’t want to fall into disfavor with Him. You must, therefore, treat Him with utmost respect and deep reverence. Tragically, in our world today, so many people have lost this sense of fear and respect of God. They arrogantly go about their lives as though the Lord does not exist and as though are no consequences for their rejection of Him. If you long to see spiritual revival in your community and nation, then pray for the fear of God to return to people’s hearts.

This deep respect and reverence for God is, according to Solomon, the beginning of knowledge. The Hebrew word for “beginning” means not only to be the starting point, but also “the principal element.”  It carries the idea of being “the chief ingredient.” The fear of the Lord is the foremost and most vital ingredient in obtaining wisdom and knowledge. Other ingredients are important as well, such as humility, a teachable spirit, and a desire to learn. But no element of gaining wisdom and knowledge is as primary as the fear of the Lord. Many learn-ed men and women have passed through history. But where did their knowledge go in the end? For some (those who feared God), they gained true and permanent wisdom. Others tragically never gained that true eternal wisdom. Their so-called “knowledge” only lasted for a season. The fear of the Lord is the principal thing that separates temporal knowledge from truth that last for eternity.

Your quest for wisdom and knowledge must begin at the same place – by fearing God and maintaining a deep and abiding reverence for His awesomeness. Submit yourself to His greatness and, with utmost respect, seek Him. All worldly wealth and education will one day lose its value, but true knowledge and wisdom maintains its value for all of eternity.


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