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Saturday, February 26, 2022

Today's Reading: Proverbs 15

Key Verse - Proverbs 15:8


Abomination! What a harsh and strong word. It means: a repugnant and despicable thing; a thing so despicable and disgraceful that it causes revulsion and disgust. There aren’t many things that the Lord is disgusted by, but here in Proverbs 15:8, He reveals one of those things – “the sacrifice of the wicked.” There is nothing more offensive to God than the pious actions of those whose hearts are far from Him.

One reason that the sacrifice of the wicked is an abomination is that their action “flies in the face” of God’s revealed truth about righteousness and salvation. The Bible is very clear on this matter – salvation can NEVER be earned or merited by one’s external actions. Anyone who tries to “earn” their acceptance by God through their religion is pridefully disputing with God, Himself. They oppose His truth that our righteousness comes as a free gift from Him, not by works, but by grace through faith.

Even the person who diligently applies him/herself to following the commands and ordinances of God and performs the ceremonies and formalities of religion is an abomination to the Lord if his/her heart is not right with Him. No religious acts will do in place of true holiness to the Lord. God will not allow himself to be `bought off' by gifts and sacrifices of the unrepentant and unbelieving person. Not only is God not interested in any sacrifices that the wicked might offer to Him, He finds them to be repulsive. 

But the glorious truth found in the second half of this verse is that “the prayer of the upright is acceptable to Him!” But who is the upright? This is the person who has repented of their sin and self-centered religion and sincerely desires God’s true salvation. When a person admits their own inability to do - or be - anything remotely close to righteous by their own efforts and who - by faith - accepts Christ’s sacrifice on the cross for their sin they are declared “righteous” and “upright” in the sight of God.

From that point on, the upright person seeks the Lord and desires to follow in His ways – not to earn their right standing with God – but because He has graciously declared them upright and they love and worship Him for it. Oh, how God loves to hear the prayers of that person! Pray to Him now. Your heartfelt prayers will be acceptable to Him! It is an amazing truth that God loves to hear from His children.


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