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Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Today's Reading: Proverbs 6

Key Verse - Proverbs 5:23

The Way Of Life

Many people (Christians included) view God’s commandments as constricting. They think that God’s rules will somehow hold them back from fun and enjoyment or somehow restrict their freedom. As humans, it is part of our nature to crave independence and autonomy. We want to be the ones calling the shots and making the rules. We really don’t like someone else telling us what we can and cannot do. And, when we don’t understand the rationale behind the rules, we are more likely to resist complying with them. We want to agree before we obey. And before agreeing, we want to embrace the rationale underlying the rules.

Here in Proverbs 6, Solomon gives us several warnings regarding God’s commandments. He addresses such things as making hasty pledges, slothfulness, dishonesty, sowing discord, pride, and adultery. Thankfully, he gives us the rationale underlying each of these commands – namely that if you fail to follow God’s ways, you are setting yourself up for unintended consequences. He urges us to “save yourself like a gazelle from the hand of the hunter” from such consequences.

The reality is that God gives us rules for living because He loves us and knows the pain we will experience if we don’t follow His ways. His commands are not intended to hold us back from fun, they are to hold us back from pain and misery. For example, hasty pledges will result in financial ruin; slothfulness results in poverty; dishonesty results in brokenness; sowing discord results in calamity; adultery results in “fire next to your chest” and “walking on hot coals.” God gives you His commandments because He loves you and wants to prevent painful consequences.

But wait, there’s more! God’s commands are not just to prevent pain. God’s commands are intended to be “the way of life.” Rather than being restrictive, or cramping our style, God’s ways bring true freedom, joy, and pleasure. Verse 23 tells us that God’s commandment and teaching is intended to be a lamp to show us light and to guide us to true freedom. Along with His commands, God sends us His reproofs as corrective discipline to keep us on the right path. True life exists only as we walk in fellowship with our Creator, and His reproofs are given out of His pure love for us as a means of guiding us to this place of fellowship and the way of true living. So, don’t resist God’s commands – they are meant for your good. And don’t reject His discipline - they are the way of life.

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