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Friday, February 4, 2022

Today's Reading: Song of Solomon 1-2

Key Verse - Song of Solomon 2:10

Come Away My Love

This book of the Bible introduces itself as the “Song of Songs,” which is a Hebrew way of saying, “The Greatest Song” (similar to saying “King of Kings” or “Holy of Holies”). It appears to be authored by Solomon and contains eight chapters of love poetry. It is actually a collection of poems meant to explore the human experience of love and desire. Although authored by Solomon, the main voice of the book is that of a woman, portrayed as “the most beautiful of women.” The poems flow back and forth from the woman’s voice to the man’s voice shifting from scene to scene and expressing their deep love and affection for one another.

In addition to this being a Hebrew collection of poetry reflecting on the Divine gift of love between a man and a woman, this book also metaphorically reflects on the love between Jesus Christ and His beloved bride, the Church. This view of the book was inspired by Paul the Apostle’s words in Ephesians 5, where a husband’s love for his wife is presented as a symbol of Christ’s love for His Church (Ephesians 5:25-32).   

In Song 2:10, we witness the joy and excitement of the woman as her beloved calls out to her and invites her to “come away” with him. You can sense in His call that there is not a hint of regret, or dissatisfaction, or second thoughts. Nothing would please him more than to finally be in the arms of the one he loves. We see in this a beautiful picture of Jesus Christ calling to His Church, who He views as “beautiful and truly delightful.” (1:15) He calls His beautiful bride to “come away” with Him. He has no regrets. He has no hint of dissatisfaction with His Bride. He has no second thoughts. Jesus loves His Bride, the Church, and sees Her as pure and unspoiled. As a follower of Christ, He is not displeased with you, or dissatisfied with you in any way. His love sees beyond all of your human imperfections and He views you as “perfect and complete, lacking nothing.” (James 1:4) He is in love with you!

We often think of how anxious we are to finally be called home to Heaven by our Beloved Savior. And that day is coming soon when He will say, “come up here.” (Revelation 4:1) But don’t miss the amazing truth that He is just as anxious – and infinitely more so – to have us in His everlasting arms. He longs for the day when the “Marriage Supper of The Lamb” will be ready and we will share in His Divine love for eternity.



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