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Monday, February 7, 2022

Today's Reading: Song of Solomon 7-8

Key Verse - Song of Solomon 8:7

Unquenchable Love

Song of Solomon is THE love song above ALL love songs, for it is the love song inspired by God to give us His perspective on love and romance. It is also a powerful allegory which presents the love of God for His Bride, the Church. The kind of deep love which a man and woman feel for each other is a remarkable (albeit inadequate) hint of the love which God has for you and me.

Here in verse 7, Solomon presents the permanence and value of love: “Many waters cannot quench love, neither can floods drown it. If a man offered for love all the wealth of his house, he would be utterly despised.” With these words, Solomon is saying that no amount of money can create or buy love, and no amount of misery or hardship can kill true love.

Christ’s love cannot be purchased for any price. His Love can’t be bought, can’t be sold—it’s not to be found in the marketplace. If a man gave “all the wealth of his house” it would fall infinitely short of obtaining God’s love. This covers any and every attempt to “earn” or “merit” God’s love. It is an impossibility that any amount of human effort could ever be enough to warrant God’s love. The good news is that this truth brings great freedom to those who understand and accept it. It is because we cannot purchase or earn or merit God’s love, that we can quit trying to and simply rest. When we recognize that God’s acceptance of us is the free and heartfelt expression of His love, we are set free from the tyranny of religion and of “being good enough” or “rich enough” or “holy enough.” We can cease our labor, and enter into His rest and leap into His loving arms.

Christ’s love cannot be quenched by “many waters” or “floods.” In Scripture, the word “floods” is often used of the miseries and trials and troubles which people face in life. The words of Song 8:7 express God’s great truth that His love is permanent and absolutely nothing can cause Him to stop loving you!  Isaiah the prophet wrote, When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you; when you walk through fire you shall not be burned, and the flame shall not consume you. (Isaiah 43:2). Note the promise contained here… that He will not leave you when the floods of misery and difficulty come into your life. He never promised life in Him would be easy, but He promised His life and love will be with you the whole way.

His love for you is permanent and unchangeable! You did nothing to earn this love, and you can do nothing to terminate it. Even the greatest challenges of life are no match for the permanent and undying love God has for you. 


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