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Monday, March 21, 2022

Today's Reading - Ecclesiastes 5 & 6

Key Verse - Ecclesiastes 5:10

Finding Your Pot of Gold

Are rich people really as happy and contented as society makes them out to be? Is there really a “pot of gold at the end of the rainbow”? Writer Rafael Badziag interviewed 21 billionaires for his book "The Billion Dollar Secret." What he found was that some billionaires are happy and some are miserable. And it was not because they had more money that some were happier than others. In fact, those who were happy and contented cited – not their riches – but family, freedom, and relationships as those things which brought them happiness.

The reality is that anyone who loves money and spends their life in pursuit of wealth will never be satisfied with what they have gained. There is an ever-elusive characteristic of living for money and possessions. He who has little, wishes he had more. He who has much, wishes he had more still. It is a never-ending struggle to try to find contentment through material wealth. Life will always be just "not enough." Living for riches and wealth is too big of a burden to bear. And it never satisfies the way we dream it will in our imaginations.

True contentment means to be happy with what you have, who you are, and where you are. It is respecting the reality of the present, appreciating what you have, and enjoying your relationships with God and others. If you count your blessings, rather than your problems, you will realize how beautiful your life is – even if you lack great riches. The Apostle Paul, confirms this truth from Solomon in 1 Timothy 6:8 – “Do your work, and if you have food, clothes, and a place to live, be contented.”  It doesn’t take great riches to live a happy and contented life. Those who believe it does, will end up sorely disappointed with what they find at “the end of the rainbow.”

The Bible urges you to, “Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for he has said, ‘I will never leave you nor forsake you.’” (Hebrews 13:5) Finding contentment in Christ happens when we abide in Him. Jesus confirmed this truth when He said, “Take care, and be on your guard against all covetousness, for one’s life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions.” (Luke 12:15)

There is nothing greater than being joyful and content in our relationship with Jesus. He can fill our hearts with joy in both times of leanness and in times of plenty. So, don’t strive for riches. Strive to know Him more intimately and you will find your “pot of gold.” It is only there you will find lasting spiritual and eternal wealth.

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