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Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Today's Reading - Ecclesiastes 7

Key Verse - Ecclesiastes 7:14

Be and Consider

Many times in my life, I’ve been told, “you have to take the bad with the good.” This saying means we should accept both the positive and negative aspects of something. It acknowledges that nothing is perfect and those things that seem perfect often do not remain so. Thing don’t always go the way you think they should. So, what should we do when things aren’t going our way? Here in Proverbs 7:14, Solomon advises us to “be” and to “consider.”

Be. “In the day of prosperity be joyful.” Don’t just pretend joy, but genuinely be joyful. Here, we are reminded by God to enjoy those moments of prosperity in life. By this He means not just financial blessing, but blessings of any type. When “good fortune” falls our way, we should relish the situation we are in and soak in the joy of it all. In these times, our response should be one of joyful thankfulness to our Creator and Father in Heaven who has chosen to bless us with a season of pleasure. Remember the Lord in these seasons. Reflect on the truth from Deuteronomy 8:18, “And you shall remember the Lord your God, for it is He who gives you power to get wealth.”

Consider. “In the day of adversity consider that God has made the one as well as the other.” Here, the Lord is telling us to “take the bad with the good.” There will be seasons of adversity in our lives. We don’t relish these seasons, nor do we want them to come our way. But the truth is – adversity will come to all of us. And when it comes, we must not make the tragic mistake of thinking God has gone out of our lives or that He has abandoned us or that He is being mean to us. He has ordained and established the days, times, and seasons of your life. He has pre-planned your ups and downs. He knew in advance that you would be facing adversity, or poverty, or hardship. During these “bad times” you must be so careful not to “blame” God as though He is allowing something into your life that is not for your benefit. You must recognize that He is using this season of hardship as a time of spiritual growth in your life. During these times, He calls us to deepen our dependence upon Him and to trust Him to resolve our troubles on His schedule and in His mysterious ways.

So… BE joyful when things are good. CONSIDER God’s hand when things are bad. He has foreordained the ups and downs of our lives. He is still here. Trust His hand of love and grace.  


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