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Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Today's Reading - Ecclesiastes 8 & 9

Key Verse - Ecclesiastes 9:17

Squint Your Ears

In our society, it seems that riches, status, beauty and a show of power are the things people admire. If a person lacks these, he is often ignored or despised, even though his quiet words of wisdom may save a nation from ruin or save a soul from darkness and despair. A poor man’s words are often despised and rejected while the voice of the so-called “celebrities” are celebrated and shouted loudly in the public square.

As is often the case with Scripture, God’s truth is quite the opposite of such worldly values. In God’s kingdom, the words of the wise heard in quiet are better than the shouting of the most admired public figure. God’s truth has a way of being the polar opposite of the world’s “truth.” Just listen for a moment to the wise men and women around you – even if you have to “squint” your ears to hear them. Their whispers will prove to be rich with God’s truth and His benefits. In their words you will find life. They are to be heard quietly and patiently.

Contrast the quiet words of the wise with the “shouts of a ruler among fools.” This phrase describes Twitter and Facebook and other social sharing applications amazingly well. With these social media platforms, we give every “ruler,” every “fool,” every “misguided individual” a means to shout their ill-advised and erroneous opinions and advice on every topic imaginable. And, of course, they present their story with such flair and enticing words, it can be easy for anyone to get drawn into their flawed viewpoint.

With all the shouting, it often makes it hard to hear the quiet voice of wisdom. This is why we must use discernment to screen out the shouting voices of those who are opposed to God and His truth, and to listen intently to those whose quiet words will bring glory to God and wisdom to our souls. It is okay to turn off your social media (even if just for a season). It is okay to ignore the opinion-editorials pushed by the news media outlets. It is okay to turn off the “shouting” and just sit quietly listening for the words of wisdom.

Be still and listen. Hearken to God’s word. Pay attention to the quiet voices of the wise followers of Christ in your circle. Most importantly, listen closely for the “still, small voice” of God as the Holy Spirit speaks directly to you. Remember Psalm 46:10 – Be still, and know that I am God! I will be honored by every nation. I will be honored throughout the world.”

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