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Monday, March 7, 2022

Today's Reading - Proverbs 23

Key Verse - Proverbs 23:17

Who Do You Envy?

"Envy" is the feeling which looks longingly at the prosperity and enjoyment of others. It is that sense of “I wish I had” what they have.

It is wrong to long after those who find their prosperity and enjoyment outside of God. Let not your heart envy sinners. This type of envy is sin. It leads to jealousy and resentment. But, did you know there is a RIGHT type of envy? The way this verse is structured in the original Hebrew, it indicates that is right to long after those who find their prosperity and enjoyment in the Lord. Literally translated, this verse reads “Let not your heart be envious at sinners, but instead be envious of those who fear Yahweh all the day.

Did you know that it is okay to look at the godly, spiritual qualities of other believers and “envy” those qualities in your own life?  This is not the type of envy that leads to jealousy, bitterness, or resentment. This is the type of envy that leads to a prayerful pursuit of those same qualities in your own life. As you look longingly at godly people, you will begin emulating their example. In 1 Corinthians 4:16, the Apostle Paul said, “I urge you, then, be imitators of me. Envying the spiritual qualities of others will help us imitate those qualities.

Do you “wish you had” the level of compassion you see in a fellow believer? Or, do you listen to your pastor and his anointed exegesis of Scripture and say, “I wish I could teach like that”? Or, perhaps “wish” you were more like your friend who is “on-fire” for Jesus and chronically reaches out to others with the Gospel message. There are many godly qualities in others that we should look longingly at: faith, virtue, patience, humility, servanthood, and much more. The reality is that when you envy these qualities, you are – in fact – envying Christ. Your heart is longing to be more like Him.

The good news is that you CAN have the qualities you long for. God has promised to bring forth Christlike character from your life. "The fruit of the Spirit is Love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance” (Galatians 5:22-23). Put off the works of the flesh and be continually filled with the Holy Spirit and you will have the very qualities you envy.

So, go ahead and look longingly at the prosperity and enjoyment of those mature and spiritual Christians around you. Let your heart envy them. Then go to God and ask Him to “make it so” in you. Don’t be envious of worldly prosperity, but be envious of those who fear Yahweh all the day.


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