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Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Today's Reading - Proverbs 24


Key Verse - Proverbs 24:6

Wise Counsel and Lots of It

War is serious! The decisions made during war are serious and can have grave consequences. Here in Proverbs 24, Solomon is warning his son that making decisions during war must be done with wise counsel, and lots of it.

Most of us do not make decisions about war. At least not in the military sense of the word. But all of us are in a war, a spiritual war. There are many ways we may be fighting spiritual battles in our lives and world today. We may not see it, we might even forget it’s there, but it is a real war and has serious consequences. “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.” (Ephesians 6:12) If you are a follower of Jesus, you are on the frontlines of this cosmic battle.

Spiritual warfare is serious business. That’s why we need to be careful in the way we approach it. We all need to be aware that God has an enemy who is committed to making us ineffective by whatever means necessary. There are life-altering decisions we must make in this war. Decisions about a mate, a career, a specific job, a church, a promotion, a house, an investment, a business, a friend, a move, a problem with a child, a problem with health, and so forth. Here in Proverbs 24, we are exhorted not to fight these battles or make these decisions alone. We, like any military leader, must seek wise counsel about these decisions.

There are two parts to this proverb. First, he says, “don’t go to war without wise guidance.” Not just any guidance will do. You must use WISE advisers, which means you consult cautious, experienced, successful, and God-fearing mature believers. It is not prudent to ask immature young believers. And, it is especially inappropriate to seek the guidance of those who do not fear God or follow Christ. Their thoughts are worthless on any subject.

Secondly, he says “to win, you need lots of this type of counsel.Asking just one or two wise counselors is not enough. The proverb teaches that wisdom is found in a MULTITUDE of counselors. By taking the time to hear many opinions and weighing them carefully, we would be saved from foolish and hurtful decisions. 

So, don’t go to war without wise guidance; victory depends on having many advisers.

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