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Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Today's Reading - 2 Chronicles 13 & 14

Key Verse - 2 Chronicles 14:11

There is None Like the Lord

How big is your God? When facing strikes from your adversaries, is your God big enough to give you victory? When the odds are against you, do you rely on God to come against the odds? That was the situation facing king Asa and the Israelite army. A massive Ethiopian army had drawn battle lines against them. With an army of a million soldiers and three hundred chariots (state of the art military equipment), the Ethiopians army was nearly twice as large as Israel’s. The odds were against Asa and Israel, for sure.

When Asa saw the massiveness of the enemy coming at him, he did a very wise thing – he cried out to the Lord his God for help. When faced with similar odds, many military leaders would call upon their leading officers and strategists for help. They would look to devise a plan whereby they could outmaneuver their stronger foe. They would rely on battle plans and military tactics to get out of harm’s way. They would stock up on extra weapons and ammunition. Very few would cry out to God for help. But king Asa knew that there was one ingredient that would make his defense of Israel successful – it wasn’t chariots, or weapons, or strategies, or ammunition, or military tactics – it was the help of his God!

King Asa knew that his God was big!  Really big! Bigger than any Ethiopian army. In fact, he says in his prayer, “O Lord, there is none like you to help.” Asa knew that no enemy was big enough or strong enough to defeat the mighty power of Yahweh. Nothing can stand against the might of our God. Knowing this, Asa placed his reliance fully and completely on the Lord. He knew this truth: if God is for us, no one can defeat us.

So, how big is your God? Do you recognize that no enemy that comes against you can prosper? Do you rely on the power of His might to beat the odds? Even when life’s challenges appear overwhelming (like a million man army), you can call upon the Lord your God to help and to fight on your behalf and to bring you victory over your foes.

The tangible result of Asa’s prayer was, So the Lord defeated the Ethiopians.” (V15) And this will be the result of your prayers when you realize that there is none like your God to help. He will come against your enemies, whether they seem weak or strong. Just stand back and watch the powerful hand of the Lord as He brings you victory. Remember, your God is big!  Really big!

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