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Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Today's Reading - 2 Chronicles 15 & 16


Key Verse - 2 Chronicles 16:9

The Heart God Searches For

We all have searched for something of value to us. When something is of value, we usually don’t stop searching for it until we find it. The Lord is on a search as well. The Lord is not searching for animals or creatures. Nor is He searching out world events because He knows all the happenings in the world even before they come to pass. He is not searching for world leaders or popular celebrities. He is not searching for silver, gold, or precious gems. He is not even searching for beautiful churches or lavish cathedrals. But He is searching for something. The Lord is daily searching into the depths of peoples’ hearts. He has a specific item of great value to Him that He is hoping to find. The treasure He is seeking is a heart that is fully devoted to Him.

Here, in verse 9, we are told that the Lord is looking to and fro to find those whose heart is “blameless.” This word doesn’t mean blameless in the sense of being sinless or guiltless. The Hebrew word here is “šālēm.” This word is found 24 times in the Old Testament where it is translated as “complete; perfect; whole; full”. It means to be fully ready and carries the idea of being totally given over to something or someone. This is the type of heart God is searching for – the heart of men and women who are totally given over to Him and ready to fully serve Him without reservation.

So, the question is… is your heart the one God will find? As He searches the depths of your heart will He find one totally given over to Him without holding back? Fully devoted. Completely His. If so, expect the unexpected!  His promise here is that when He finds that kind of a heart, He will give His “strong support.” He will show Himself strong on your behalf. He will anoint your life with spiritual vitality, and spiritual fruit, and spiritual gifts. Anything and everything He leads you to endeavor on behalf of His kingdom will bring forth supernatural results.

Are you that person? Don’t let Him look into your heart and leave without choosing to show His mighty strength on your behalf. The power you experience in your life will be in direct proportion to how fully your heart is given over to God. If your devotion is tepid and halfhearted and indifferent - if you are holding back areas of your heart from Him – then your spiritual life will be tepid and halfhearted as well. But if you bow your knee and surrender your heart fully to Him – if you give Him ever nook and cranny of that heart of yours – your experience of Divine power will be like fire from Heaven – you will be the one who impacts their world for Christ. He’s searching for you. He’s searching right now. Give Him your complete, perfect, whole, and full heart. 

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