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Friday, November 4, 2022

Today's Reading - Daniel 1


Key Verse - Daniel 1:8

Purposed in His Heart

The word “resolved” in today’s verse comes from a Hebrew word which means, “to set firmly in place.” In the King James version, this word is translated “purposed in his heart.” In this context, it means that Daniel made an INTENTIONAL decision to be a man of conviction. He set this decision firmly in place within the core of his being.

Daniel took to heart the command of God in Deuteronomy 6:18, “You shall do that which is right and good in the sight of the LORD.”  He chose not to follow that which was right to people, or the culture in which he lived, but rather to stay true to God’s will for his life. Even if this meant that he would face ridicule, rejection, pain, and/or punishment for his choices.

Have you purposed in your heart not to defile yourself? Have you made a firm conviction within the depths of your being to stay true to God’s will for your life and to always do that which is right and good in the sight of the Lord. Even when those around you don't agree? To do so may cost you dearly in this present life, but staying true to God will bring immense eternal rewards in His kingdom.

Daniel was a man of conviction— he stood strong, feet planted firmly within God’s will for his life and within His commands and statutes. Through his conviction, Daniel strove do what was good and right per God’s standards, which always represent true goodness.

 Be like Daniel.

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