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Sunday, January 1, 2023

A Word from the Word - A Three-Year Adventure

 To grow spiritually, every believer needs TWO things:
"The Word of God"  and  "A Word from God"

The difference may seem subtle, but the reality is that we all need the LORD to personalize His message to us with a word directly from Him that speaks deeply into an area of our spiritual life.

What follows in upcoming posts is a compilation of daily Bible readings from the Scriptures in chronological order. Each day will contain a section from the Bible along with a "Key Verse" from that day's reading for you to meditate and pray over. God's Spirit longs to emphasize an important point by communicating a "word from the word" personally for you.

This is a bit of a slower paced daily devotional. Our journey through the entire Bible will take three years (two years in the Old Testament and one year in the New Testament).

Before reading each day, take a moment and pray that the LORD would speak directly to you and bless His word to your heart. After reading, pray that the LORD would help you put into practice His word to you for that day.

"Every word of God is pure, He is a shield to those who put their trust in Him." 

- Proverbs 30:5 -

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