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Tuesday, March 14, 2023

March 14 -- "Reunited!"

 Today's Reading:  Genesis 42


In this verse, Joseph has been appointed as the governor of the land of Egypt by Pharaoh. His ten brothers, who had earlier sold him into slavery, have come to Egypt to buy grain during the famine. When they arrive, they bow down to Joseph in recognition of his position of authority. This is a significant moment in the story of Joseph, as it marks the reunion between Joseph and his brothers and sets the stage for the reconciliation that will follow. This this verse shows the fulfillment of one of the dreams that Joseph had earlier in Genesis 37. Joseph’s story reveals at least two applications for our lives.

First, it serves as a powerful example of forgiveness and reconciliation. Joseph's willingness to forgive his brothers and to bring them back into a relationship with him is a powerful message that teaches us that there is always room for forgiveness, no matter how terribly we’ve been treated by others. Forgiveness refers to the act of letting go of anger, resentment, and bitterness towards someone who has wronged us, and choosing to extend grace and mercy instead. Joseph's willingness to forgive his brothers is a powerful example of this principle. Even though his brothers had sold him into slavery and left him for dead, Joseph chose to forgive them and extend grace to them when they came to him for help during the famine.

Second, Joseph's story is a reminder that even when things seem to be going wrong, God has a plan and is working behind the scenes to bring about a greater good. When we trust in God's plan, we can have peace and hope, even in difficult circumstances. The Bible teaches that God is always at work, even when it may not be immediately apparent to us. Proverbs 16:9 says, "In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps." In Isaiah 46:10, the Lord reminds us that “My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please.” So, let God work behind the scenes of your life. Trust Him completely to fulfill His purpose in you.

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