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Thursday, March 16, 2023

March 16 -- "God Did This!"

 Today's Reading:  Genesis 44:1 - 45:15

"God Did This!"

In this passage, Joseph is speaking to his brothers after revealing his true identity to them. Joseph, in a remarkable moment of spiritual insight, tells his brothers that God, not them, had sent him to Egypt ahead of them to preserve their family and many others from famine. Joseph acknowledges that it was not his brothers who sent him to Egypt, but God who orchestrated the events leading to his arrival. He assures them that it was God, Himself, who did this. He also reveals that he has been elevated to a position of great authority in Egypt, serving as a father figure to Pharaoh and ruling over all the land.

Here are a few possible ways you could apply this passage to your own life:

  1. Trust in God's sovereignty: Just as God worked through Joseph's difficult circumstances to bring about his plan, he can also work through the challenges you face in your life. Trust that God is in control and that he is working all things together for good, even when it's hard to see or understand.
  2. Forgive others: Joseph forgave his brothers for selling him into slavery, even though it caused him years of pain and hardship. Similarly, we are called to forgive those who have wronged us, even if it's not easy. Forgiveness can be a powerful way to break the cycle of hurt and bitterness, and it can bring healing to our own hearts as well.
  3. Use your gifts to serve others: Joseph's position of power in Egypt gave him the opportunity to serve others and provide for their needs. Similarly, you can use your own gifts and resources to help those around you who are in need. Whether it's volunteering, donating, or simply offering a listening ear, there are many ways to serve others and make a positive impact.

Overall, this passage reminds us that God is always at work, even in the midst of difficult circumstances. By trusting in him, forgiving others, and serving those around us, we can be a part of his plan and make a difference in the world.

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