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Wednesday, March 22, 2023

March 22 -- "Fruitfulness"

Today's Reading:  Exodus 1 


Fruitfulness is an important theme that is seen throughout the Bible. It is a concept that emphasizes growth, multiplication, and productivity, and is often used as a metaphor for spiritual growth and bearing good fruit in our lives.

One of the earliest references to fruitfulness is found in the book of Genesis, where God commands Adam and Eve to "be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth" (Genesis 1:28). This command sets the stage for the story of human history, as God's people are called to grow, multiply, and spread the message of God's love and salvation to the ends of the earth.

Throughout the Old Testament, fruitfulness is often used as a sign of God's blessing and favor. For example, the Psalms frequently describe fruitful fields and abundant harvests as signs of God's goodness and provision (Psalm 67:6, Psalm 85:12). Here in today’s passage, God’s blessing is evident as the Israelites multiplied and filled the land of Egypt.

In the New Testament, Jesus often used the metaphor of fruitfulness to describe the life of a disciple. In John 15:5, he says, "I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing." This passage emphasizes the importance of staying connected to Jesus and bearing good fruit in our lives as a sign of our faith and obedience.

From a Biblical perspective, fruitfulness is important in all circumstances because it reflects God's desire for growth and multiplication in our lives. Whether we are facing blessings or challenges, we are called to remain faithful to God and bear good fruit in our lives. This involves cultivating a strong relationship with God, growing in our knowledge and understanding of his Word, serving others with love and compassion, and sharing the message of salvation with those around us. Ultimately, fruitfulness is a sign of our trust in God and our willingness to follow him wherever he leads.

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